Threads Interaction Circle Generator

What does this page do?

Threads Circles is a website designed to create a visual representation of your frequent interactions and connections with friends on Instagram's Threads app. It allows you to generate a graphical Threads circles of your most engaged contacts. This tool operates on the Threads app without requiring any login. You can create Threads Circles of your own or other public profile's by only typing the username, and saving or downloading the generated Threads Circles image. This tool was created by the same creator of Threads Downloader, providing a similar concept for the Threads app with no login needed.

How does it work?

Threads Circles analyzes your public activities on the Threads app, such as posts, reposts, quotes, replies, and mentions of other users. By utilizing an advanced algorithm, it identifies the people with whom you interact the most. The resulting circles image visually displays your circle of friends or interaction circle within Threads. It is important to note that no user data is stored or collected, and all information used to generate the interaction circle is based on publicly available data.


Threads Circle stands out by employing an algorithm that offers superior accuracy and depth in calculating engagement and generating the interaction circle for Threads. While inspired by Chirpty, Threads Circles and Twitter Circle uses a different algorithm to ensure a more precise and comprehensive representation of your friends and interactions.